Creating a worker-led staff union gives UWU employees the ability to more freely exercise our right to engage in industrial activity.

As it stands, most UWU Staff are current financial members of UWU. We love our union, but we cannot reasonably expect the interests of staff and our formal union leadership to always completely align, when the formal union leadership is our employer.

Participating in industrial activity without formalising it through an industrial association like the UWUSU creates more risk for employees – creating a staff association that stands with UWU staff through disputes and collective action is critically important in being able to advocate for the union our members deserve.

We will remain financial members of UWU in solidarity with our members, in addition to becoming members of UWUSU.

Our rights as members of UWUSU

As a member of UWUSU, we are protected in our industrial activities by anti-discrimination and equal opportunity legislation. Here are the key protections UWU staff will be able to exercise more freely through an independent staff-led union:

Protection from Discrimination

It is unlawful for employers to take adverse action or discriminate against employees for being a member of an industrial association like UWUSU or participating in industrial activities. This is known as protection from adverse action.

Right to Representation

UWUSU members also have the right to be represented by their staff association in workplace disputes or disciplinary processes to advocate for better outcomes and procedural fairness.

Freedom of Association

Workers who exercise their workplace rights, including participating in industrial activities, are protected from discrimination or victimisation by their employer. This means employers cannot punish anyone for being a member of UWUSU or participating in UWUSU activities


In most Enterprise Agreements, employers must consult with employees regarding any major changes to their workplace. UWUSU can individually or collectively represent any affected members in the consultation process, allowing members to have a say through their staff association.

These rights help protect UWUSU members from employer retaliation and ensure members are more effectively represented in the consultation process.


Health and Safety Protections

The UWUSU can work alongside elected HSRs to advocate for improved health and safety protections at work. UWUSU can also help individual members or groups of members address any health and safety concerns and ensure their rights are respected and enforced.

Enterprise Bargaining

UWUSU can represent members in negotiating Enterprise Bargaining Agreements (EBAs) and improve our wages and conditions. Once the UWU EBA is voted up and in effect, UWUSU will work to ensure that the EBA is properly implemented.